
THURSDAY, MAY 2nd        


*The SMS Art Show is TONIGHT and tomorrow night from 4-6pm. Ms. Lynn and Ms. Orchard have been working hard to showcase all the creations!  The hallways are bursting with color and amazing artwork!  Bring your family to show off your creations!

*The 5th & 6th grade Spring Concert is TONIGHT at the Performing Arts Center at 6:30pm!  Best of luck to all our performers!   Hope to see you all there!

*Congratulations to the winners of the Student Leadership art contest!!

Samantha Trufant


Lily Burnell

Olivia K(grade 7 Mr. Sanborn's room)

See Mrs. Brown in room 2217 at your earliest convenience.

*Today is our final dress rehearsal for 5th grade chorus before our concert tonight at the SPAC with 5/6 band. This is a mandatory rehearsal. Teachers thank you in advance for your help in guiding students to come to rehearsal today! See you in the cafe! 

*Today is an 8th Grade Chorus day. It is also a Chorus day for 7th Grade students who are not in band. We will meet in the upstairs music room following announcements.