Daily Announcements

SHS Daily Announcements 04/03/24   Red Day



Hey, SHS-please fill out this form about your experiences with Hinduism. This will help a current SHS senior taking YCCC ENGL 101 with their research paper. All answers are anonymous! Please fill it out, it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes. Here is the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSch08l7jkqfP4K1m5fxkKVt2Fm-SAPa-LbbJJ3uKU9KvoVQTw/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0


Hey, SHS - please fill out this form about your experiences with social media. This will help a current SHS senior taking YCCC ENGL 101 with their research project - don’t worry, your answers are anonymous! Click this link: https://forms.gle/7fLnNRwrDUJQmte19

Tuxedos and Suits With Style is offering a coupon for $40 off prom tux rentals.  If you would like one please stop by A237 (Asst. Principal’s office).

ATTENTION ALL GRADUATING SENIORS:   Are you attending college in the Fall?  Do you need financial help?  If so, the General Scholarship was sent out via email on March 7.  SHS students attending college are guaranteed a scholarship at graduation, but you need to apply! Please complete the application online or print, complete, and return it to Mrs. Bourassa before the deadline date of April 8th.  If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Bourassa (jbourassa@sanford.org) in the Principal’s Office.

Attention all Students:  SPART MART is open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from dismissal to 4:00. This FREE market is available to ALL students! Do you find yourself looking into the fridge or cupboards at home and coming up short? Have to make something for your younger siblings and would like more options? Tired of stopping at the grocery store and dropping too much money for not enough food? SPART MART has what you need! From frozen ground beef, frozen pizza, and chicken tenders, to fresh grapes, cereal, pasta, flour, and more. We have everything you need to make soup, tacos, spaghetti, chicken and fries, and so much more. And it's all FREE!  Please stop in and check it out.  We have ready to eat options as well as a few grab and go snacks and drinks. There is something for everyone and everyone is welcome. 




The Starving Spartan Café will be open on Tuesday and Thursdays.  Block 3 they will be open to Staff and Block 4 they will be open to Students and Staff.  To pre-order please email lmiller@sanford.org.  There will also be order forms and the weekly menu in the teachers’ room for staff.

Yearbooks are still for sale! You can order either online at https://yearbookforever.com/schools/sanford_high_school_buy_yearbook_304604/Wn4htA4hU61BX7J6YeaIy23H or in person in the Counseling Office or at E121 (Dr. K’s room).







GSTA Club meets Thursdays in B237 after school.  Everyone is welcome.

Nature Journal Club - Thursdays at 2:30 in Ms. Strout's room - B249 (upstairs red at the end).  No need to bring any supplies, but if you have a journal and your favorite pens/pencils, please come!  We will meet from 2:30 - 3:30pm.  If you have questions please email: lstrout@sanford.org

Environmental Club meets on Tuesday after school in room E250, (second floor at the end of the blue wing on your left). Help us make an impact on the environment by selling trees in the community, bottle recycling, and much more! All are welcome.

Art Club Do you need a space to be creative? Look no further than joining Art Club! Can't commit to a weekly club? No worries! Drop ins always welcome! See Ms. Simoneau, B127 Tuesdays from 2:30-3:30.

D&D Club interest meeting will happen FRIDAY at 2:30 in E121. Come join!

Civil Rights Team: Do you believe that school is a place where students should feel safe, welcomed, respected, and celebrated for who they are? The Sanford Civil Rights Team is the club for you! Please join us on Mondays from 2:15-3:15 in the library.  ALL ARE WELCOME!

Health and wellness club meets in the weight room every day after school except Wednesdays!

SHS Peer Helpers: Meetings are every Friday and grades 9-12 are welcome to join. New student tours, Thanksgiving Baskets and Lunch Buddies are just some of our yearly activities. Please email Mrs. Letourneau if you have any questions bletourneau@sanford.org

The Spartan Times: Are you interested in writing, taking photos, or designing graphics for the school newspaper? Join the Spartan Times staff to contribute to the news around our school and our community. Find Ms. Foley in D130 or email kfoley@sanford.org!

The ASL club meetings are on Tuesdays, until 3:30 in room E121 with Dr. K.

SHS Book Club meets every Thursday during ST in the library.

Key Club meets every Monday night at 6:00 pm in the agora. This is a great way to get involved with your community and help out with countless service projects alongside your friends!


If you would like to donate New or slightly used Clothing, Shoes, Coats, Hats etc. please see Ms. Williams in Rm A241.



If you have any announcements you would like added please email them to cpattershall@sanford.org by 8:30am.  Please specify how long you would like them included.





Job Opportunities for SRTC/SHS students and graduates 2024


Wells Recreation is looking for day camp counselors.  Applicants must be available for camp training the week of June 17th as well as all 7 weeks of camp which runs from June 24th through August 9th.  Applications can be obtained by visiting the town’s website at www.wellstown.org 



The Acton Elementary School PTG is looking for volunteers to assist with childcare during the Annual Acton Town meeting on Saturday, April 6, 2024.  Volunteers are needed at the Acton Elementary school at 10am (end time not yet determined).  If you are interested in helping out, please send an email to yvonne@actonptg.com.   


The MCS Pride PTA is in need of volunteers for the MCS Plant & Play event at MCS AND the SPE Pops & Planting event on Sunday, April 28th from 12:00-4:00pm.  If you are interested in helping out at either event, please email us at mcsptame@gmail.com.


Acton is holding a clean-up day on April 27th and is looking for any volunteers.  The day will consist of clean-up along the roadways and lunch will be provided afterwards.  If you are interested please email Denise @ d.bowden@comcast.net

Greater Sanford Babe Ruth Baseball is recruiting volunteers to act as the announcer at Goodall Park in Sanford during league games. Volunteers will address the audience at the start of each game and between innings. The announcer also introduces players as they come to bat, or are substituted during a game. Shifts are approximately 5 hours for double-header, back-to-back games. Contact rstanleyjunior@gmail.com

Greater Sanford Babe Ruth Baseball is recruiting volunteers to operate the scoreboard at Goodall Park in Sanford during league games. Volunteers will operate the Park’s electronic scoreboard and maintain a pitch count during each game. Shifts are approximately 5 hours for double-header, back-to-back games.Contact rstanleyjunior@gmail.com


RANDOM FACT OF THE DAY   The soldiers that guard the Tomb of the Unknowns is not allowed to speak to anyone or watch any social media for the first 6 months of their duty.

SUPER SNACK beginning @ 2:15: Pizza OR Uncrustable with Cheese Stick & Cracker, Kiwi & Grape Tomatoes.

LUNCH TODAY:  Pizza (Choice of Cheese or Pepperoni), Caesar Salad, Grape Tomatoes, Fresh Strawberries